Thematische Touren in Siebenbürgen

Cooking class and icon painting around Sighișoara Tour

Meeting point: in the lobby of your hotel / pension

Route: Sighişoara – Mediaș – Copșa Mare – Sighişoara

The program of the tour:

A. First part of the day

Transylvanian Cuisine – Cooking class

The transfer takes around 30 minutes to drive by car / minivan to Mediaș. Here we meet our host, chef Lutz Connert, together with him we will  take a short walk to the local market: find out about local products, talk to the farmers. We will discuss about the characteristics of the cultural and gastronomical influences in Transylvania. Obvious this will be an entertaining experience. Returning in the kichen, begins the cooking class:


  • Try some local appetizers at producers where we also buy the ingredients for our culinary class
  • Taste some typical local recipes  during a common made lunch
  • Produce your own sauce of local herbs, you also get the chance to roll your own dessert

Duration of the cooking class approx. 3.5 hours

Included services:

– local chef will help you to communicate to the local people(from the market) and  introducing you the technics and trick of the Transylvanian cuisine

– local products for the lunch

– lunch with 3 courses coffe and water. The lunch do not include the alocoholic beverages.

– transfer on the route Sighișoara – Mediaș – Copșa Mare – Sighișoara

B. Second part of the day

Icon painting workshop


After the traditional cooking and tasting the Transylvanian cuisine, we will drive to Copșa Mare and introduce you in the art of the icon painting on glass.

Join us on this four hours course where we will captivate you in the art of the Byzantium painting technique.


During the course you’ll paint your own icon and you will learn about the Orthodox religion, about the technique and about the spiritual symbols. Our master is the Orthodox priest in a small village in Copșa Mare. You can paint and take your icon with you!

Duration of the icon painting part of the tour approx. 3.5 hours

Included services:

– master in icon paintings

– accessories necessary for painting an icon: glass, colours, pencil, frame

– transfer on the route Sighișoara – Mediaș – Copșa Mare – Sighișoara


Price: 75 EUR/pers.(group of 2 persons), 65 EUR/pers.(group of 3-5 persons), 55 EUR/pers.(group of 6-8 persons)

NOTE: The master in icon paintings is involved in apiculture too, from this reason he is not available in the month of May an July.

Tour duration of the entire tour: 8  hours

Services included: transportation by car / minibus, specialized guide, tasting of traditional products

Handcraft  and Traditions in Szeklerland

Meeting point: in the lobby of your hotel / pension

Route: Tour Sighişoara – Corund – Sighişoara

The program of the tour:

Corund promenade

Deep knowledge tour of handcrafts with horse drawn cart in Corund. We visit the unique tinder fungus processing workshop, pottery workshop, traditional weaver and the local village museum. Be initiated in the traditional handcrafts by the artisans!

Time -travel on  the  volcanic plateau

Minibus (or combined minibus + horse drawn cart) tour to the Fântâna Brazilor peat bogs educational trail, then open air taste of homemade jams and natural syrups. Visit to a traditional self-sufficient farm for home-made tasting.

Experimental handcraft workshop

Assisted by a professional potter, the visitors can try the pottering on traditional or electrical potter’s wheel. They have the opportunity to model, to press or to paint their first ceramic piece of art, and to take them home.

Tour duration: 10 hours

Services included: transportation by minibus, specialized guide, entrance fees, tasting of traditional products
Price:  75 EUR/pers. (group of 4 persons), 65 EUR/pers. (5-8 persons).

Handcraft and Horse Riding in Apoş

Meeting point: in the lobby of your hotel / pension

Route: Tour Sighişoara – Apoş – Sighişoara


Visits to traditional local bricks & tiles producer

See bricks & tiles local producers with horse wagon ride. The project was sponsored and inaugurated by HRH Prince Charles. The visitors can have built their own tile.Visit to charcoal burners by horse and cart ride approx. 1 hour.  Visit to a shepherd: sheep milking and cheese tasting by horse and cart ride approx. 1 hour. Traditional cheese can be purchased directly from the shepherd.

Tour duration: 10 hours

Services included: transportation by car, specialized guide, entrance fees, horse and cart ride.

Price:        EUR/pers. (minimum a group of 4-6 persons),       EUR/pers. (group of 7-8 persons)

Optional activities:

  • Trail ride with traditional picnic lunch,        EUR/person (minimum 4 persons and at least 3 days before)
  • Riding lesson in the arena – 1 hour (beginner / advanced riders, at least 1 days before),       Eur / person

Note: This tour is available only between May and September.

The Pottery, Salt Mine and Urban Life tour

Meeting point: in the lobby of your hotel / pension

Route: Tour Sighişoara – Corund – Praid  – Târgu Mureş – Sighişoara


This tour starts from the transylvanian “burg” Sighişoara, generic beeing part of “Saxon Land”. We will have our first stop in ”Szekler Land”, in Corund, in one of the well known villages of ceramic tradition in Romania. After our visit at the potter, we continue towards North, stopp in Praid’s salt mine, one of the oldest salt explorer in Transylvania. Following our route we arrive in  Târgu Mureş, changing the register and the epoch. Here the urban center is representative for Hungarian urban culture of the end of 19th and begin of 20th century. Examplary for it is the Culture Palace, the first public library – the Teleki Library. Afterwards we drive back to Sighişoara.   


Tour duration: 10-11 hours

Services included: transportation by car, specialized guide, entrance fees. Price: 80 EUR/pers. (group of 2 persons, 60 EUR/pers. (group of 4-5 persons) and 45 EUR/pers. (group of 6-8 persons).

The Music and Wine tour

Meeting point: in the lobby of your hotel / pension

Route: Tour Sighişoara – Târgu Mureş- Reghin – Batoş – Sighişoara


This tour starts from Sighişoara, following our route we arrive in  Târgu Mureş. We will visit the Culture Palace, the first public library – the Teleki Library. Continuing towards North, we arrive to Reghin, a small, neat town, with saxon origin, stopping at a master luthier. This handicraft have been very well preserved. Our tour continues in the vineyard and Crama in Batoş, having the opportunity to taste the fines local vine . In the late afternoon we will drive back to Sighişoara.


Tour duration: 10-11 hours

Services included: transportation by car, specialized guide, entrance fees, wine tasting-4 types of wine  and chees
Price:  65 EUR/pers. (group of 5-8 persons).

Optional activities:

  • Visit of the Lutheran church in Reghin 3 EUR/pers
  • Visit of the Ethnografic muzeum in Reghin 3EUR/pers.
  • One-pot-meal in Batoş 10 EUR/pers.

An der Spitze Siebenbürgens: Transfăgărăşan-Hochstrasse

Route: Sighişoara – Cârţa – Transfăgărăşan Road – Avrig – Nucet – Sighişoara (möglich vom 01 Juni -30 Oktober)

Treffpunkt im Hotel / Pension / Gasthaus

Wir starten von Sighişoara aus. Unser erster Halt ist in Cârţa, wo Sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Einflüsse der Zisterzier in den Ruinen des alten Klosters zu bewundern. Dann begeben wir uns auf die Straße 7C, den Transfăgăraşan Straße. Eine der beeindruckendsten Fernstraßen Europas, gelegen zwischen den zwei höchsten Bergen Rumäniens. Nach dem Mittagessen (optional) in dieser prächtigen Umgebung, setzen wir unsere Reise weiter nach Avrig fort. Dort befindet sich die Sommerresidenz von Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, dem Gouverneur von Siebenbürgen, welche 1771 im Barock Stil erbaut wurde.
Der nächste Halt ist in Nucet, wo wir frische und natürliche Produkte, nach traditionellen Rezepten von einer dort ansässigen Bauernfamilie produziert und hergestellt, zu uns nehmen können (optional). Unsere Tour endet in Sighişoara.


Dauer: 13-14 Stunden

  • Transport (Im Minibus für 8 +1 oder 6 + 1 Personen),
  • Spezialisierter englisch (auf Anfrage deutsch) sprechende  Reiseführer,
  • Eintrittsgebühren

Price: 95 EUR/Pers. (Gruppe von 2 Personen), 65 EUR/Pers. (Gruppe von 3-5 Personen), and 45 EUR/Pers. (Gruppe von 6-8 Personen).

Optionale Aktivitäten:

  • Mittagessen: Am Bâlea See – ca. 15 Euro/Person
  • Abendessen: Im Bio-Haus in Nucet – ca. 15 Euro/Person


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